2022 Retrospective: Top Packaging Design Trends

2022 Retrospective: Top Packaging Design Trends

We know a thing or two about shopping, to say the least. And while this retrospective is in no way comprehensive, we give you some of the year’s top packaging design trends and give a bit of insight about what is changing on those shelves. Some trends are powered by technology, motivated by sustainability, and some are amplified by necessity due to inflation. Brands would do well to continue to gather powerful insights to stay close to the changing consumer to stay at the forefront of these changes for better brand impact. Here are some of our thoughts on packaging design trends from 2022. 

Top Trend: Interactive Packaging (Think: QR Codes, NFC, and RFID)

Heinz QR code packaging
Photo Credit: QRTiger

Technological advancements have driven numerous trends in packaging over the years, and recent ones such as QR codes have stuck. In our Top Packaging Trends of 2020 article, we noted that QR codes were a trend to watch, and 2022 has proven that to be the case. Today, QR codes on packaging are being used more widely than ever before. Most notably, they’re sending shoppers to landing pages where they can discover the benefits of a product, be exposed to more products they might not have purchased before, see current promotions, and read more about the brand itself. 

Packaging trend research suggests that NFC (near-field communication, like that used to enable Apple Pay on your iPhone) was a strong packaging design trend in 2022. From tapping your phone to access promotions, games, videos, or social media, to unlocking information about a wine or liquor bottle and whether it is authentic – NFC technology is increasingly being used in new and creative ways by brands to enhance the buyer’s experience. According to packaging technology company, impacX:

“Information [from an NFC chip] can include anything the company wants [shoppers] to know such as special offers, promotions, nutritional information, if your product is authentic, and so much more. The tech is popular with high-end alcohol companies, so they can ensure their customers the bottles they are buying are authentic and not counterfeits. The chip can also tell the customer if the bottle has ever been opened or been tampered with.”

RFID (radio frequency identification, like the security stickers you see on some products) is another rising trend. But the possibilities for their applications go well beyond in-store security. RFID tags are making waves in the shipping and logistics industry, with benefits for brands, logistics firms, delivery drivers, and even consumers. According to Butler Technologies, the demand for ‘smart packaging’ is increasing:

“Location tracking is not only a positive for the consumer being able to track their package’s location, but it also helps delivery drivers with monitoring package location while in transit. Just as the warehouses have RFID reading devices to monitor packages entering and leaving the warehouse, delivery trucks are now capable of having the same. This eliminates the need for the scanning of the packages, as the RFID reader immediately knows when the package has been placed in or taken out, of the truck.”

This technology helps businesses with monitoring inventory, location tracking, tamper control, and security. Best of all, it’s lightning-fast, easy to implement, and the process from packaging, to tracking, to delivery is more automated. For consumers, it means tracking a package is simpler and more accurate than ever.

“The fact that the individual scanning of each package is not necessary. This is made possible because the RFID reader knows immediately when the package has entered or left the warehouse through the use of radiofrequency monitoring,” says Butler Technologies. “Not only does the use of RFID tags help to eliminate human error, but they are more efficient and accurate, helping to enhance the delivery time and delivery rate of packages to consumers.”

Top Trend: Eco-friendly Design

Consumers have become used to seeing eco-friendly packaging over the last several years, to the point where spotting recycled cardboard boxes on the shelves is no longer a ‘budget’ option, but a conscientious one. The 2021 Global Buying Green Report noted that 67% of consumers consider recyclable packaging an important part of their purchasing decisions.

compostable plastic bag
Photo credit: everdrop GmbH on Unsplash

But there are more options than non-plastic and recycled paper available to brands. In 2022, we saw more businesses adopt alternative packaging solutions such as bioplastics, stone paper, bamboo paper, biodegradable packing peanuts and seals, compostable mailers, organic cotton woven printed labels, and sustainable packaging materials including corn starch, sugarcane-based fiber pulp like bagasse paper, and glass.

For brands, not only do these solutions tell consumers that theirs is an eco-conscious solution, but done well, alternative packaging solutions can reduce costs and cut waste. Luxury brands are even in on the trend heavily. Creativity and high-lux are not compromised but enhanced with these new materials. As the technology and materials evolve, brands will continue this trend to get a trifecta of goals with lowering costs, helping the environment and displaying their values on sustainability. 

Top Trend: Personalized Packaging 

Packaging catches the eye on shelves, it’s true. But what about products that are delivered straight to the customer’s door? Should packaging be an afterthought? A necessary evil, rather than an integral part of the customer retention process? Not according to our trend research. Personalized packaging is a trend we saw grow in popularity in 2022, and we’re sure it will continue to build over the coming years as e-commerce shopping snowballs. 

Personalized packaging gives brands the chance to delight customers even after their buying decision is complete. From seasonal packaging to personal greetings, and even highly curated gift experiences, personalized packaging enhances the overall customer experience and helps to build brand loyalty (which we know is more difficult than ever in today’s market). Personalized packaging can:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build brand loyalty 
  • Ensure products arrive safely 
  • Enhance the efficacy of your marketing efforts
  • Add value to your products 
plant-based skincare
Photo Credit: Pakfactory

If your brand, like many, is hoping to take advantage of the growing popularity of online shopping, personalized packaging will help you to stand out from the crowd. For more insights into how your brand can set itself apart, and how agile research solutions can make sure you stay informed on important trends early in the adoption curve. Whether packaging is being adapted to face current financial challenges, or your brand is ready to create something that will fly off the shelves, understanding the principles of packaging design is key. 

Top Trend: Lighter, Smaller Packaging 

Our research shows that 84% of shoppers are concerned about the impact inflation is going to have on their budgets. But it’s not only consumers that are being hit by inflation. Just as gas prices go up, it costs more to fill the refrigerator and pantry shelves, and a bit of creativity is required when cooking up the family’s meals each week, businesses are also required to think outside the box. Or in this case, rethink the box entirely

Where shoppers will substitute their favorite brands for something more budget-friendly, brands are looking to packaging to keep costs down. Think thinner boxes, smaller flaps, and color changes. What trended was the change of inside box flap going from glossy to flat cardboard, and packaging shifts to accommodate product shrinkage.  

Eco-friendly egg carton
Photo Credit: Greener Ideal

What’s next for 2023?

Looking back at 2022, we saw several trends continue such as interactive packaging, personalized and eco-friendly packaging. What will happen in 2023 and beyond? Keep on top of upcoming trends and never miss the boat, and subscribe to Explorer’s blog.

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