Chapter 6:
Shopper Research Techniques
There are a variety of shopper insight techniques which can be tailored depending on what a company is looking to understand and what resources they have available.
There are many traditional research techniques that are used for shopper insights. These traditional techniques include online surveys, focus groups, intercept interviews, shopper observations and shop-alongs. Retailers also use shopper data to supplement custom research. Big data has made available at relatively low-cost huge troves of information about shoppers, although it can be challenging to interpret them using the data alone. Retailers also have panel or loyalty data that can serve as foundational type information.
Technologies, such as eye tracking are effective tools to measure what shoppers look at and engage with in-store. A shopper’s pathway through a store can be mapped to help inform hot and cold zones in-store. Eye tracking can also effectively be used for online shopping to measure where shoppers are looking versus measuring clicks alone.
Shopper insights executed by a manufacturer are often completed in combination with a retailer. This collaborative approach can provide a holistic approach to the shopper journey. Customer innovation centers where shopper insights are brought to life enables retailers and manufacturers to collaborate.
Shopper insights aren’t one size fits all. In most cases, there is no single, correct approach. Depending on the business goal and overall research objectives, a blend of techniques will be best. Typically, one research tool will only provide one piece of the answer you need. A blending approach of behavioral, attitudinal, and emotional techniques will better uncover insights that drive behavior.
We have written in-depth guides to each of the major Shopper Research Techniques:
In Chapter 7 we look at common mistakes in Shopper Behaviour Research and how to avoid them.