Our approach validates planograms in the specific retail environment to ensure it aligns with current market conditions, customer behavior, and store-specific dynamics. We then help you tailor assortment to different planogram executions with our ASSORT service.

Planograms and Assortment

Planograms and Assortment

Our proprietary planogram testing approaches help identify the optimal planogram grounded in shopper behavior and compared against our database of planogram performance. Online immersive and in-person methodologies using eye tracking and behavioral purchase data help determine winning POG options. We then help customize assortment with our ASSORT service ensuring winning POG’s across all in-store executions.

Download our Free Planogram Principles For Success Guide

Discover ASSORT by Explorer: The Ultimate Assortment Optimizer

When it comes to presenting your planogram validation findings, one size doesn’t always fit all. A planogram that works perfectly for one customer might not suit another. That’s where ASSORT by Explorer comes in. Our Adaptive Store Space Optimizer and Recommendation Tool empowers you to fine-tune your product assortment based on unique store footprints, ensuring you deliver the right products in the right quantities, no matter the space constraints.

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Tailored Solutions for Unique Store Layouts

With ASSORT, you have a versatile toolkit that complements your planogram insights. It provides precise guidance on how to scale product assortments up or down, accommodating varying shelf spaces across different store locations. Whether it’s increasing or decreasing shelf size, ASSORT helps you make the right adjustments for optimal product placement.

Assortment Optimizer

Intelligent Product Scaling

ASSORT goes beyond basic planogram validation. It analyzes your existing planograms and suggests tailored adjustments to ensure each store has the right product mix. You’ll be able to identify core products and receive variable product recommendations, making it easy to adjust your planogram to fit the needs of your customer across their store footprints.

Assortment Optimizer

Test and Refine with the Simulator

One of ASSORT’s most compelling features is its simulator. This powerful tool allows you to test different product assortments and configurations before implementing them in-store. It’s a great way to validate your recommendations, ensuring they are both effective and adaptable. You can confidently approach each presentation knowing you have the data to back up your findings.

Key Benefits of ASSORT:

  • Adaptable Scaling: Effortlessly adjust your product mix to fit different store sizes.
  • Core Product Identification: Identify essential products that should always be on the shelf.
  • Flexible Product Recommendations: Receive tailored suggestions for varying footprints.
  • Custom Simulator: Experiment with different scenarios to find the optimal assortment.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Get detailed reports for internal analysis and future scenario planning.

With ASSORT, you’ll have the tools you need to craft a compelling sales story, even with reduced shelf space. You can conduct a stand-alone study, add it to other planogram research, or use it to re-activate past planogram work. All this, starting at just $10,000 USD.

Get Started with ASSORT Today!

With all of our planogram research online or in-person key outputs include:

  • Highly predictive planogram and shelf optimization recommendations that increase category and brand sales
  • Decision trees based on shopper behaviors and attitudes that inform sales-driven shelf layouts and marketing activation recommendations
  • Assortment optimized according to different retailer POG executions to maximize your in-market success

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