Chapter 4:
Luxury Brand Packaging

Luxury items are held to a higher standard than other products. When a buyer pays a premium for a product, he or she expects the packaging to be of exceptional quality. For luxury products, the right kind of packaging is crucial. Package design plays a very important role when marketing to the wealthy as it creates desire and builds excitement. The role of luxury packaging is twofold: to convey the prestige and quality of the product while at the same time delivering a consistent brand message that allures the customer.

luxury brand packaging

When it comes to luxury brand packaging it’s all about engaging the senses. Consider not just the visual aspects of unpackaging a luxury good, but all the sensory aspects as well. Sound can be an important part of the unpacking experience. For example, the sound a cork makes as it’s removed from a fine bottle of bourbon. Also, the material selection: both its appearance and texture should create a memorable unpackaging experience. Little details, such as ribbons, fabrics, and metallics all add to the ambiance.

For example, Louis Vuitton handbags are packaged in a beige-mustard color box wrapped in a royal blue ribbon with a crisp logo to create a timeless package. The Louis Vuitton packaging is a great example of a sensual journey that enhances the timelessness of the product. When unpackaging, customers are primed with all the brand cues and associated luxury prior to actually seeing the product they have purchased.

luxury brand packaging