Chapter 5:
Cannabis Retail Store Design

Approachability is a crucial element of store design. Adequate lighting can help here as it gives customers the confidence to approach a store. Customers need to recognize what sort of services and products are available within the store when they see it, so branding is very important. It’s crucial that they get a sense that they’ll be welcomed and encouraged to enter.

From a cannabis retail store design perspective, state-of-the-art shopping experiences entice consumers to enter cannabis stores. Showcase your brand and provide customers with a memorable retail experience. Your product has value and should be displayed in a way that conveys that value. The goal is to encourage customers to keep browsing.

Condider These 3 Factors for Cannabis Retail Store Design

  1. Medical vs. Recreational – Certain states require that medical and recreational store areas be kept separate. Even if it’s not a requirement, it’s still important to consider depending on the type of consumers you are trying to target.

  2. Flow of Traffic – In order to provide superior service, consider how customers will move through your store and identify potential choke points like cash registers. Try to add additional seating and countertop space to alleviate congestion. If you anticipate a lot of traffic consider an express checkout line.

  3. Decor / Aesthetic – Gone are the days of the grungy image associated with cannabis. Today’s cannabis consumer is looking for a space that looks professional and safe. Look at the in-store designs of other successful retailers in your neighborhood.  Help change the negative stigma sometimes associated with cannabis by creating an ambiance that puts people at ease. And remember, it’s not all about visuals. Play appropriate music and provide space to browse and sit.

As the population of cannabis buyers becomes increasingly diverse, it’s important to remember that many marijuana customers have trepidations about walking into a cannabis dispensary for the first time. It’s important to create a positive dispensary experience for them.

Brands can embrace consumer preferences by creating a warm and welcoming space. Both operational efficiency and style contribute to a successful cannabis retail store design. A combination of esthetics and technology give consumers the best experience.